21 mart.


During the church service, the minister invited the young children to join him near the altar for the „Children’s Moments Sermon”.

One day, with seven small children in attendance, he spoke about the ingredients required to make up a church, using a chocolate-chip cookie as an example. He explained to the children that, as with a cookie requiring ingredients such as sugar and eggs, the church needed ingredients to make up the congregation.

Holding a cookie aloft, he asked, „If I took the chocolate chips out of this cookie, what would I have?”

Little Johnny raised his hand. „Six less grams of fat,” he replied.

27 dec.

Mănâncă tot ce vrei

Argument american :D

29 nov.

Fat Free Fries

John stopped at a fast food restaurant, intrigued by a sign which offered fat free fries. He decided to give them a try, but he was dismayed when the clerk pulled a batch of fries from the fryer dripping with fat, and then put a bag of these fries in with his order.

„Just a minute,” John said, „those aren’t fat free.”

„Yes, they are,” the clerk replied, „we only charge for the potatoes, the fat is free.”

04 oct.

Să pronunţăm corect „F” şi „V”

Explicaţii şi exerciţii

29 feb.

Argoul în limba engleză

Modalităţi de formare

17 ian.

Cum să pronunţăm P şi F în engleză

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