29 sept.


A very large woman walks into a department store and asks a salesman, „Do you have anything I could fit into?”

„Well,” the man says, „I think I could fit you into that elevator.”

06 apr.

Supărare mare

Când te duci jos cu liftul :))

03 mart.


De obicei, o ia pe scări :))


05 iun.


Agnes is an accomplished harpist who frequently plays for weddings,
receptions, parties, and other such events. She is also blonde and has an appropriately cherubic face.

She was on her way to an engagement at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, and she stepped into an elevator with her large golden harp. Just before the doors closed, a distinguished gray-haired man stepped on. As the elevator rose, he looked thoughtfully first at her and then her harp and asked, „And just how far up are you going?”

22 ian.

În caz de incendiu

… nu staţi să vă gândiţi ce-au vrut să spună! :)

in case of

18 aug.

Când nu se pot folosi treptele

Desigur :)


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