17 mai

Delivery Room

The woman was in labor in the delivery room with her husband at her side coaching her just the way he learned in the Lamaze class.

It seemed like an eternity before the doctor finally announced, „I’ve got the head now; just a few more minutes.”

„Is it a girl or boy?” the husband asked excitedly.

The doctor replied, „It’s hard to tell by the ears.”

06 sept.

my body

Vocabular specific

01 nov.


Cele cinci simţuri şi organele corespunzătoare

14 iun.

This is my body

Părţile corpului omenesc

01 ian.


Christmas was over. Santa and his reindeer finally had a chance to rest. And they deserved it. They had done a good job.

Rudolph had a chance to do something he had wanted to do for a long time. He made an appointment with a plastic surgeon because he was so sensitive about his looks.

However, it wasn’t his glowing proboscis that he wanted changed. He was proud of his nose and the help he had given Santa because of it. No, he was sensitive about his long ears, which were much more prominent than the ears of the average reindeer, or bear, for that matter.

So one week after Christmas, he let the good doctor do the reconstructive surgical procedure, and since that time, January 1st has been celebrated as… New Ears Day.

22 iun.


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