15 mai

Broken Tail Light

„How long have you been driving without a tail light, buddy?” demanded the policeman.

The driver jumped out, ran to the rear of his car, and gave a low moan.

His distress was so great that the cop was moved to ease up on him a bit.

„Aw, come now,” he said, „you don’t have to take it so hard. It isn’t that serious.”

„It isn’t?” cried the motorist. „What happened to my boat and trailer?”

07 apr.

Having insurance

Asigurare auto

25 nov.

Traffic Accidents

Discuţie despre un accident de circulaţie

15 sept.

Bun venit şoferilor atenţi!

O idee inedită :))

careful drivers

14 feb.


Leaving the wedding reception the honeymoon couple hailed a cab to take them to their romantic boutique hotel in the hills. The driver wasn’t too sure how to get there and said he would ask directions when they got closer.

Meanwhile, the lovers couldn’t wait and got down to it on the back seat. Seeing a fork in the road the driver said, „I take the next turn, right?”

„No way, get your own,” said the groom, „this one’s all mine.”

25 nov.

Şcoala de şoferi

Ferea! :))

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