15 iul.

Apple Pin

While visiting a friend who was in the hospital, Jim noticed several pretty nurses, each of whom was wearing a pin designed to look like an apple. He asked one nurse what the pin signified.

„Nothing,” she said with a smile. „It’s just to keep the doctors away.”

17 iun.

Lost memory

An old man says to the doctor: „Doctor, I lost my memory!”

Doctor: „When did this start?”

The old man: „When did what start!”

11 feb.

Best Doctor

A woman sat in the crowded waiting room and became engrossed in a magazine. When the nurse called her name, she found her leg had gone to sleep and she limped awkwardly in to the doctor’s office. The doctor wrote a new prescription and two minutes later the woman walked briskly out into the waiting room again.

As she put on her coat, she noticed another patient staring at her in astonishment. The surprised patient poked her companion and whispered excitedly, „See, Betty? I told you he is the best doctor in town!”

18 feb.

reservations, appointments, plans

Explicaţii şi exemple pentru a înţelege mai bine când se foloseşte fiecare

21 sept.


Termeni în limba engleză pentru cei care se ocupă cu diferite activităţi

07 sept.


Termeni în limba engleză întâlniţi în cadrul unui spital

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