21 sept.

What’s going on?

Limbaj specific hărţilor

19 nov.


Discuţie despre mijloace de transport

09 iul.

The Bus Stop

Conversaţie despre cum aflăm unde este staţia de autobuz sau alte locuri

29 aug.

See you again

Modalităţi de a ne lua rămas bun

14 dec.

Ticket for Norwald

A man was talking to a ticket agent. He told her, „I want to buy a bus ticket for Norwald.”

The ticket agent, searching their book of destinations, questioned him. „Norwald? Let me find that. Hmm… never heard of it. Let me see… Norwald. I don’t see Norwald listed, and I can’t find it on the map. Just where is Norwald, anyway?”

The man replied, „Norwald is over there. He’s my brother-in-law.”

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