01 mai

Fat-Free Fries

Jim stopped at a fast food restaurant, intrigued by a sign which offered fat-free fries. He decided to give them a try, but he was dismayed when the clerk pulled a batch of fries from the fryer dripping with fat, and then put a bag of these fries in with his order.

„Just a minute,” Jim said, „those aren’t fat-free.”

„Yes, they are,” the clerk replied, „we only charge for the potatoes, the fat is free.”

20 apr.

Dacă nu-ţi iese chitanţa la benzinărie

Nimeni n-ar vrea un plin fără să plătească :)


18 mart.

Teamwork on the job

Echipa şi liderul

09 sept.

Car Rental

Discuţie despre închirierea unei maşini

01 nov.

Gratis sau contra cost

Termeni necesari pentru a putea face diferenţa

25 sept.


Sensuri multiple

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