18 feb.

Talking about the family

Familia ca temă de discuţie la testul oral, pentru testarea IELTS

12 iun.

This is my brother

Relaţii de familie şi de apartenenţă

14 dec.

Ticket for Norwald

A man was talking to a ticket agent. He told her, „I want to buy a bus ticket for Norwald.”

The ticket agent, searching their book of destinations, questioned him. „Norwald? Let me find that. Hmm… never heard of it. Let me see… Norwald. I don’t see Norwald listed, and I can’t find it on the map. Just where is Norwald, anyway?”

The man replied, „Norwald is over there. He’s my brother-in-law.”

09 mart.

Do you know who I am?

One of the burdens of office of the small town mayor was his brother in-law, a fellow who liked to throw his or rather, his in-law’s political weight around. The mayor had instructed his policemen and other city officials to treat him just like they would any other taxpayer.

The brother-in-law got a ticket for overtime parking. He immediately descended in fury on police headquarters, waving the ticket and sputtering, „Hey, do you know who I am?”

The desk sergeant surveyed him calmly, picked up his phone and dialed the mayor’s office. „Tell the mayor,” he said to the secretary, „that his brother-in-law is down here and can’t remember his own name again.”

24 mai

Repararea unei pene de cauciuc

Vocabular specific

09 iun.

mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law

În limba engleză, rudele prin alianţă sunt denumite aplicând sufixul „-in-law” la cuvântul care desemnează ruda corespunzătoare din propria familie. Astfel, „mother-in-law” înseamnă „soacră” (sau „mamă-soacră”), „father-in-law” înseamnă „socru” (sau „tată-socru”), „sister-in-law” înseamnă „cumnată”, iar „brother-in-law” înseamnă „cumnat”.

De reţinut este faptul că pluralul acestor cuvinte compuse nu se formează adăugând „s” la sfârşitul lor, ci după cuvântul la care se aplică „-in-law”. De exemplu, pluralul pentru „mother-in-law” este „mothers-in-law”, nu „mother-in-laws”.

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