15 iun.

top brass

Expresii despre șefi și angajați

26 mai

Visit at the hospital

Conversaţie despre un accident

25 mart.


Cum să începi o afacere mică

12 mart.

Small business

Discuţie despre o firmă mică

30 ian.

Bosses Night Dinner

At an annual Bosses Night dinner for Helena, Montana, lawyers, sponsored by legal secretaries, it was time to announce the Boss of the Year. The master of ceremonies began: „First of all, our winner is a graduate of the University of Montana. So that already eliminates some of you as candidates.
Our winner also is a partner in a downtown Helena law firm. That eliminates some more of you.
Our nominee is honest, upright, dedicated…”

A voice from the audience cut in: „Well, there go the rest of us!”

02 oct.


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