25 mai

Descrierea trăsăturilor fizice

Vocabular vizual

14 ian.

Perechi de cuvinte pronunţate diferit

Cum se diferenţiază

20 feb.


One morning, while shaving, John was cursing and swearing so loudly it attracted the attention of Vickie, who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

„What’s the matter?” she called out.

„My razor – it won’t cut!” he answered.

„Don’t be silly, dear!” she declared. „You mean to tell me your beard is tougher than the linoleum that it cut yesterday?”

23 dec.

Povestea Crărciunului

Origine, simboluri şi vocabular specific

07 feb.

Învăţăm pronunția cu ajutorul poeziei

Un exerciţiu interesant

15 mart.

Capul şi chipul

Toate elementele componente

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