08 mai

Grafice şi tendinţe

Descrierea evoluţiei sau involuţiei

02 nov.


Three vampires went into a bar and sat down. The barmaid came over to take their orders. “And what would you, er, gentlemen like tonight?”

The first vampire said, “I’ll have a mug of blood.”

The second vampire said, “I’ll have a mug of blood.”

The third vampire shook his head at his companions and said, “I’ll have a glass of plasma.”

The barmaid wrote down each order, went to the bar and called to the bartender, “Two bloods and a blood light”.

26 oct.

Umor englezesc

Principala calitate :))

28 aug.


Să mergem la cumpărături

12 aug.

Cool Bar

Reclama e sufletul comerţului :))

05 oct.


Termeni în limba engleză referitori la activităţile dintr-un hotel

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