„Rugăciunea unui dac” de Mihai Eminescu
Pe când nu era moarte, nimic nemuritor, Nici sâmburul luminii de viaţă dătător, Nu era azi, nici mâine, nici ieri, nici totdeuna, Căci unul erau toate şi totul era una; Pe când pământul, cerul, văzduhul, lumea toată Erau din rândul celor ce n-au fost niciodată, Pe-atunci erai Tu singur, încât mă-ntreb în sine-mi: Au cine-i zeul cărui plecăm a noastre inemi? |
When death did not exist, nor yet eternity, Before the seed of life had first set living free, When yesterday was nothing, and time had not begun, And one included all things, and all was less than one, When sun and moon and sky, the stars, the spinning earth Were still part of the things that had not come to birth, And You quite lonely stood… I ask myself with awe, Who is this mighty God we bow ourselves before. |