25 mart.

Sistemul politic britanic

Explicaţii şi termeni specifici

18 nov.


A newcomer to the Ashe County political scene was out canvassing votes. He came to a farm and approached a young man milking a cow.

Just as he was starting to make his pitch for a vote, an old man came out on the back porch and called to the young man, „Luke, come on in the house. Who’s that man talking to you?”

„Says he’s a politician, Pop”, replied Luke.

„Well, in that case”, says the old man, „better bring the cow in with you.”

25 dec.


Discuţie despre alegerile prezidențiale

30 iul.


Discuţie despre alegerea primarului

30 apr.

La şedinţă

Limbaj specific

11 dec.

Sondaj de opinie pentru alegeri

Deci „nu” :))

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