21 apr.

Cum să vorbim despre emoții

Prezentare și exemple

28 nov.

People (4)

Ce s-a întâmplat?

13 nov.

Failing Memory

Jill and Nadine were having lunch and Jill looked a little upset. „What’s wrong?” asked Nadine.

„I’m really worried about myself,” Jill said forlornly. „My memory has always been a source of quiet pride to me, but lately it’s been failing me. I’m having a hard time remembering things from the mundane to the major.”

„I wouldn’t worry too much about it,” Nadine said consolingly, „Sounds like you’ll forget all about it tomorrow.”

25 sept.

Mind, Body, and Health

Discuţie despre stres şi relaxare

22 aug.

How could you?

Cum se cer scuze şi cum se dau explicaţii

19 feb.

Cel mai mare protest din istoria Canadei

Fiecare ţară cu supărările ei :))

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