05 apr.

Pronunția vocalelor în limba engleză

Exerciții de pronunție

03 dec.

Making a Phone Call

Discuţie despre opţiunile de taxare a convorbirilor telefonice

18 mai

/b/ & /p/

Explicaţii şi exemple de pronunţie

19 mai

Making a deposit

Conversaţie la bancă

08 iun.

Flag Pin

At the jewelry counter of an exclusive Manhattan department store, a woman came in and asked to see American flag pins. The salesclerk displayed one model after another — in gold or silver enamel, with or without rhinestones or other gems — none of which pleased the customer.

Finally, the customer asked, „Don’t you have an American flag in another color combination?”

15 iul.

Apple Pin

While visiting a friend who was in the hospital, Jim noticed several pretty nurses, each of whom was wearing a pin designed to look like an apple. He asked one nurse what the pin signified.

„Nothing,” she said with a smile. „It’s just to keep the doctors away.”

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