14 apr.
Guards escorted a handcuffed prisoner into the courtroom. „Is this a tough judge?” the prisoner asked the baliff.
The baliff replied, „A tough but fair judge.”
„Yeah?” continued the prisoner. „How tough?”
„The toughest judge since Pontius Pilate,” the baliff replied.
The prisoner answered, „I don’t know him. I’m not from around here.”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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06 mai
Totul e să ştii cum să pui problema
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Limba engleză, Umor
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04 iun.
Înţelepciunea populară nu merge întotdeauna în aceeaşi direcţie
Publicat de Veronica Şerbănoiu in Lecţii, Limba engleză, Linguaspectrum, Video
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19 dec.
It was Christmas and the judge was in a merry mood as he asked the prisoner, „What are you charged with?”
„Doing my Christmas shopping early”, replied the defendant.
„That’s no offence”, said the judge. „How early were you doing this shopping?”
„Before the store opened”, countered the prisoner.
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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30 oct.
Cum se fac clasificările, pentru testarea IELTS
Publicat de Veronica Şerbănoiu in Lecţii, Limba engleză, Study English, Video
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11 oct.
Lawyer: „Judge, I wish to appeal my client’s case on the basis of newly discovered evidence.”
Judge: „And what is the nature of the new evidence?”
Lawyer: „Judge, I discovered that my client still has $500 left.”
Publicat de Lucian Velea in Jokes, Limba engleză, Umor
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