14 feb.


Leaving the wedding reception the honeymoon couple hailed a cab to take them to their romantic boutique hotel in the hills. The driver wasn’t too sure how to get there and said he would ask directions when they got closer.

Meanwhile, the lovers couldn’t wait and got down to it on the back seat. Seeing a fork in the road the driver said, „I take the next turn, right?”

„No way, get your own,” said the groom, „this one’s all mine.”

10 feb.

Dragostea şi căsnicia

Termeni care au legătură cu legarea destinelor a doi îndrăgostiţi

18 oct.

on vacation

Sublinierea utilizării prepoziţiei „on” (nu „in”) în expresii precum „on vacation”, „on holiday”, „on a businesstrip”, „on honeymoon”, „on an excursion”, „on a field trip”

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