03 iun.


Să vorbim ca Jon Snow & Ygritte

25 dec.

Long time no see

Conversații scurte la reîntâlnire

16 iun.

Make-up Sex

Mary: One time my ex and I had hardly finished fighting, when I inadvertently started another argument.

Jill: What happened?

Mary: Well, my ex suggested I might enjoy some „make-up sex”, and I innocently asked, „Does it have to be with you?”

27 nov.

Bar Fight

A young boy comes running down the street looking for a cop. He finds one and then begs, „Please, officer, come back to the bar with me, my father’s in a fight.”

Well, they get back to the bar and there’s three guys fighting like you wouldn’t believe. After a while the cop turns to the kid and says, „Okay, which one’s your father?”

The kid looks up at the cop and says, „I don’t know officer, that’s what they’re fighting about.”

09 oct.


Discuţie despre o ceartă pentru o fată

22 aug.

Struggle During the War

Two old men, Bill and Joe, were sitting on a porch reminiscing about World War II. „It was a real struggle,” said Bill.

„I know what you mean,” said Joe. „I remember I was struggling all the way. I fought and I fought, and I fought, and when I thought I was tired out, I found the strength to carry on fighting another day.”


„But it didn’t matter, because in the end they made me join the Army anyway.”

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