25 mai

Descrierea trăsăturilor fizice

Vocabular vizual

22 feb.

At the gym

Scurtă conversație despre exerciții

29 mart.

Sunetele /l/ şi /r/ în limba engleză

Explicaţii şi exemple de pronunţie

26 iun.

Big Belly

Carolyn was down at the Carolina shore and was walking along the water’s edge, when she came upon a man with a rather large belly who was sun bathing on the beach. Feeling a bit down on the male population at the moment, Carolyn caustically remarked, „If that belly was on a woman, I bet you would probably say she was pregnant!”

The man squinted up at her a little annoyed and replied, „It was, and she is!”

22 oct.


Discuţie după o vizită la grădina zoologică

22 feb.

Baby Doctor

Nancy’s nephew was 4 when she was pregnant with her first baby. She allowed him to place his hand on her belly and feel the baby kick. His little face scrunched and said, „How does the baby get out of there?”

She wanted to keep it simple so she said, „The doctor will help.”

His eyes widened in amazement as he exclaimed, „You’ve got a doctor in there, too?”

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