Rime fără rimă
În limba română, atunci când avem nevoie de un cuvânt care să rimeze cu altul, ne gândim la cuvinte care se termină cu aceleaşi litere. Dicţionarele Lexica chiar facilitează găsirea rimelor în acest fel. În limba engleză, lucrurile nu stau însă atât de simplu. Următoarea poezioară, care circulă printre cei interesaţi de limba engleză, face haz de necaz pe această temă.
When the English tongue we speak,
Why is break not rhymed with freak?
Will you tell me why it’s true
We say sew but likewise few?
And the maker of the verse,
Cannot rhyme his horse with worse?
Beard is not the same as heard
Cord is different from word.
Cow is cow but low is low
Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
Think of hose, dose, and lose
And think of goose and yet with choose
Think of comb, tomb and bomb,
Doll and roll or home and some.
Since pay is rhymed with say
Why not paid with said I pray?
Think of blood, food and good.
Mould is not pronounced like could.
Wherefore done, but gone and lone-
Is there any reason known?
To sum up all, it seems to me
Sound and letters don’t agree.

15 aprilie 2008 la 18:25nice conclusion
In fact,yeah,for a romanian,like me or you it makes sense,beacuse he automatically associates letters to sounds,Romanian language(Not tongue) being known for mostly having 1 sound per letter.But in English,same letter=multiple choices(following no strict rule regarding sound association).So for an english or an american,your poetry will seem sooo bizzare,because,for them,it all comes naturally,they don’t compare letters,but sounds directly.So if a foreigner will see your poetry,be prepared for a rough comment!Nice try,though!A bit childlish,though,but,overall,good!
25 martie 2010 la 22:56