20 ian.

„My Mary” de William Cowper

The twentieth year is wellnigh past
Since first our sky was overcast;
Ah, would that this might be the last!
My Mary!
Se fac ani douăzeci de când
Văd nori pe-al nostru cer trecând;
Ah, de s-ar duce mai curând!
Maria mea!

Thy spirits have a fainter flow,
I see thee daily weaker grow;
‘Twas my distress that brought thee low,
My Mary!
Îţi scad a inimii puteri
Arăţi mai pală azi ca ieri;
De chinul meu te simt că pieri,
Maria mea!
Thy needles, once a shining store,
For my sake restless heretofore,
Now rust disused, and shine no more;
My Mary!
Cândva lucioasele-ţi andrele
Erau, de dragu-mi, hărnicele;
Azi şed şi ruginesc şi ele;
Maria mea!
For though thou gladly wouldst fulfil
The same kind office for me still,
Thy sight now seconds not thy will,
My Mary!
Căci, dacă tu mi-ai ţese sute
De lucruri ce-ţi păreau plăcute,
Azi văzul n-o să mai te-ajute,
Maria mea!
But well thou play’dst the housewife’s part,
And all thy threads with magic art
Have wound themselves about this heart,
My Mary!
Dar minunat jucai de bine
În rolul bunei gospodine,
Robind tot sufletul din mine.
Maria mea!
Thy indistinct expressions seem
Like language utter’d in a dream;
Yet me they charm, whate’er the theme,
My Mary!
Cuvintele-ţi confuze-mi par
Că sunt prin vis rostite; dar
Au (orice-mi spui) un farmec rar,
Maria mea!
Thy silver locks, once auburn bright,
Are still more lovely in my sight
Than golden beams of orient light,
My Mary!
Zulufii –ţi albi, ieri alămii,
Privelişte mai mândră mi-i
Ca zarea zorilor de zi,
Maria mea!
For could I view nor them nor thee,
What sight worth seeing could I see?
The sun would rise in vain for me.
My Mary!
Căci a privi la ei, la tine
De n-aş putea – atunci la cine?
N-ar mai fi soare pentru mine,
Maria mea!
Partakers of thy sad decline,
Thy hands their little force resign;
Yet, gently press’d, press gently mine,
My Mary!
A tale mâini, triste părtaşe,
Rămân de vlagă păgubaşe;
Ia-mi mâna-n mâinile-ţi gingaşe,
Maria mea!
Such feebleness of limbs thou prov’st,
That now at every step thou mov’st
Upheld by two; yet still thou lov’st,
My Mary!
Aşa plăpânde mădulare
Ai azi, că paşii, fiecare
Îi faci cu două ajutoare,
Maria mea!
And still to love, though press’d with ill,
In wintry age to feel no chill,
With me is to be lovely still,
My Mary!
Tot te iubesc, deşi te-apasă
Duşmană vârsta friguroasă,
Eşti pentru mine tot frumoasă,
Maria mea!
But ah! by constant heed I know
How oft the sadness that I show
Transforms thy smiles to looks of woe,
My Mary!
Dar, vai! mereu iau seamă eu
Că-mi desluşeşti aleanul greu
Şi-ţi moare zâmbetul mereu,
Maria mea!
And should my future lot be cast
With much resemblance of the past,
Thy worn-out heart will break at last—
My Mary!
Şi soarta de m-o tot certa
Ca pân-acum, inima ta
Să pâlpâie va înceta –
Maria mea!
William Cowper traducere de Tudor Dorin

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