07 feb.

„The Inquest” de W.H. Davies

I took my oath I would inquire,
Without affection, hate, or wrath,
Into the death of Ada Wright –
So help me God! I took that oath.
“Jur fără patimă sau ură
Să aflu adevăr curat
Asupra morții Adei Wright –
Ajută Doamne!” Așa-am jurat.
When I went out to see the corpse,
The four months’ babe that died so young,
I judged it was seven pounds in weight,
And little more than one foot long.
Ducându-mă să văd cadavrul –
Un prunc ce a pierit de mic –
Am zis că are patru kile,
Și-i doar mai lung ca un pisic.
One eye, that had a yellow lid,
Was shut – so was the mouth, that smiled;
The left eye open, shining bright –
It seemed a knowing little child.
Închisă-i era gura-n zâmbet
Închis și galben ochiul drept;
Cel stâng deschis, strălucitor:
Copila îmi zâmbea-nțelept,
For as I looked at that one eye,
It seemed to laugh, and say with glee:
‘What caused me death you’ll never know –
Perhaps my mother murdered me.’
Căci ochiul ce-l priveam părea
Să spună cesel ca prin vis:
“De ce-am murit nu vei afla –
Mămica, poate, m-a ucis”.
When I went into court again,
To hear the mother’s evidence –
It was a love-child, she explained.
And smiled, for our intelligence.
Întors curând la tribunal,
Ascult a mamei mărturie:
“Copil din flori e”, ne explică,
Zâmbind cu înțeles, nurlie.
‘Now, Gentlemen of the Jury, said
The coroner – ‘this woman’s child
By misadventure met its death.’
‘Aye, aye,’ said we. The mother smiled.
“Jurați, ne spune procurorul,
Copila tinerei femei
A decedat din întâmplare.”
“Da”, zicem. Râd și ochii ei.
And I could see that child’s one eye
Which seemed to laugh, and say with glee:
‘What caused my death you’ll never know –
Perhaps my mother murdered me.’
Dar ochiul pruncii îl vedem
Că-mi râde vesel ca prin vis:
“De ce-am murit nu vei afla –
Mămica, poate, m-a ucis.”
W. H. Davies traducere de Andrei Bantaș

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