07 aug.


Versurile originale din cântecul interpretat de Kelis:
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
and they're like, "It's better than yours"
Damn right, it's better than yours
I could teach you, but I'd have to charge

Engleza veche:
Mine milkshake bringeth all yon gentlefolk to mine yard
and lo they reply " 'Tis better than thine...
"Verily, 'tis better than thine!"
I could apprentice thee, but I wouldst levy a fee

În sens propriu:
My whipped iced dairy drink brings the attentions of many males to my place of residence and/or employment,
and they declare that its quality far surpasses that of yours.
Absolutely, it far surpasses yours.
I could convey to you the proverbial recipe, but I would have to demand compensation.

Through stereophonic tubes
Comes a girl rapping mixes and grooves
and though you would think
Her topic was iced drink
It's really all about her boobs

Boys, drawn to my yard
Their words in chorus singing
Your milkshake loses

Milkshake” este o băutură făcută din lapte şi îngheţată, cu diferite arome. În argou, înseamnă mişcarea trupului femeii.

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