25 aug.

He is Mi and I am Yu

O scenă tare confuză din filmul „Rush Hour 3” :))

Master: May I help you?
Carter: We’ll be asking the questions old man. Who are you?
Master: Yu.
Carter: No not me, you!
Master: Yes I’m Yu.
Carter: Just answer the damn questions; Who are you?
Master: I have told you.
Carter: Are you deaf?
Master: No, Yu is blind.
Carter: I’m not blind, you blind.
Master: That is what I just said.
Carter: You just said what?
Master: I did not say what, I said Yu.
Carter: Thats what I’m asking you.
Master: And Yu is answering…
Carter: SHUTUP!
Carter: You!
Master: Yes?
Carter: Not you, him!
Carter: Whats your name?
Assistant: Mi.
Carter: Yes you!
Assistant: I am Mi.
Master: He’s Mi, and I’m Yu.
Carter: And about to whip yo old ass man cause I’m sick of playing games. YOU, ME, EVERYBODY’S ASS AROUND HERE. HIM!
Lee: Carter Carter!
Carter: Imma kick his ass I’m sick of it!

2 comentarii la “He is Mi and I am Yu”

  1. 1
    emm spune:

    trebuie sa vad filmul. mult prea tare :)) :)) :))

  2. 2
    George spune:


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