01 iun.
„A Boy’s Song” de James Hogg
Where the pools are bright and deep, Where the grey trout lies asleep, Up the river and over the lea, That ‘s the way for Billy and me. |
Unde-s iezerele-adânci, Şi prinzi păstrăvi pe sub stânci, Sus la deal şi-n lunci, e bine Şi de Billy şi de mine. |
Where the blackbird sings the latest, Where the hawthorn blooms the sweetest, Where the nestlings chirp and flee, That ‘s the way for Billy and me. |
Unde mierlele-ntârzie, Şi răsura dulce-adie, Unde cuiburile-s pline, E de Billy şi de mine. |
Where the mowers mow the cleanest, Where the hay lies thick and greenest, There to track the homeward bee, That ‘s the way for Billy and me. |
Unde iarba, toporaşii Le cosesc de zor cosaşii, Şi se-ntorc la stupi albine, E de Billy şi de mine. |
Where the hazel bank is steepest, Where the shadow falls the deepest, Where the clustering nuts fall free, That ‘s the way for Billy and me. |
Unde cresc pe râpi aluni, Unde-i umbră ca-n genuni, Şi cad nucile ciorchine, E de Billy şi de mine. |
Why the boys should drive away Little sweet maidens from the play, Or love to banter and fight so well, That ‘s the thing I never could tell. |
La ce bun din joc să scoată Băieţandrii orice fată? Cum, iubirea nu le place? Asta n-o pricep, şi pace! |
But this I know, I love to play Through the meadow, among the hay; Up the water and over the lea, That ‘s the way for Billy and me. |
Dar îmi place să rămân, Ştiu, în pajiştea cu fân; Prin livezi, la gârle line, E de Billy şi de mine. |
James Hogg | traducere de Tudor Dorin |