28 sept.

He Thinks He’s a Refrigerator

Shortly after the honeymoon was over and Cheri had relocated to Indiana, her husband’s home, she found it necessary to find a psychiatrist. Cheri implored him, „Doctor, you’ve got to do something about Norm, my new husband, I’m afraid he thinks he’s a refrigerator!”

The doctor reassured Cheri, „I wouldn’t worry too much about it, dear” the doctor replied. „A lot of people have harmless delusions. I’m sure it may be because of all the stress involved in the wedding and the move and I am quite sure it will pass.”

„But you don’t understand,” Cheri insisted. „He sleeps with his mouth open, and the little light keeps me awake.”

31 iul.


Vocabular practic

07 sept.

În bucătărie

Vocabular uzual

02 nov.

Lucruri din bucătărie

Termeni ilustraţi

14 sept.


Termeni în limba engleză întâlniţi la restaurant

27 iul.

În bucătărie

Denumirile în limba engleză ale diferitelor lucruri care pot fi găsite în bucătărie

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