28 ian.

Graduation party

Discuţie la petrecerea de absolvire a liceului

14 aug.

Registering for University

Discuţie despre înscrierea la cursurile universitare

15 iun.

Daughter in College

The farm had been mortgaged, and gladly, to give daughter a college education. Now, driving home from the station after meeting her at the train, farmer Johnson was greatly disturbed when his daughter whispered, „I have a confession to make, Paw – I ain’t a virgin no more.”

The old man shook his head sadly. „After all the sacrifices your Maw and I made to give you a good education, you still say ain’t!”

12 sept.

Pregătiri pentru studenţie

Ce e esenţial :))

01 oct.

Înapoi la colegiu

Pe lângă rechizite… :D


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