04 feb.

9 părți de vorbire

Prezentare și exemple

06 nov.

Sunetele alfabetului

Cum se pronunţă

30 nov.

Exersăm alfabetul

Să citim şi să vorbim

05 iul.

Alfabetul: G-L

Citim, ascultăm şi repetăm

01 iun.

Alfabetul limbii engleze

Prezentare simplă

31 oct.


Lil’ Johnny’s mother had been away a week at a convention and when she returned home, she was anxious to hear about his week.

„Well, one night we had a thunderstorm, and I was scared, so daddy and me slept together,” her son said.

„Johnny!” said the boy’s French au pair, „Don’t you mean ‘daddy and I’?”

„No!” replied Johnny. „That was Thursday, I’m talking about Monday night.”

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